Tuesday, February 14, 2012


"Ok. Fine Nick. We don't get it. Why don't you just explain it to us?"

Nick sat back and looked at his friends. They didn't have a clue, did they?

How can they not see it?

Was it just him? The torture, the pain, how can they escape it all?

"Do you really not go through the same pain? Does it really not bother you as much as it bothers me? It is all so harmless and innocent in the beginning isn't it? You're just sitting there. Minding your business. Youre humming your song and there's cool breeze on your face. The sun is shiny and bright and all is well with the world. All of a sudden you take that one fateful turn, that one muddled decision to try a new path against all your better judgement. The sun disappears behind a cloud of smoke, and all of a sudden there's an angry mob behind you. Ready with their loud and angry judgements. You desperately want to ignore them and move on. You try to escape but no one let's you move an inch. You're trapped. You're a slave to the crowd. And so is everyone else in the crowd.
You see time pass by. You'll realize it's your life getting wasted, and there's nothing you can do. But wait. And wait. And wait... In the mercy of the crowd. Helpless. Wasted. Ruined."

His friends were staring at him. It took a while but someone finally mustered up the courage to say what they all felt st that very moment.

"Jeez man! So you got stuck in a traffic jam. Let it go now, will you,"