Saturday, March 26, 2011


This was all very unexpected. The psychiatrist currently conducting the session had been in this job for 20 years now. He had seen paranoia before. But it was never easy. It was never easy convincing people that their fears weren't substantiated.

"I understand how you feel. I know what you mean when you say you feel you're all alone. But you have to understand that we all feel that some point or another..."

"But I am alone - you all might feel that way, and I understand, that in spite of a persistent attempt at arranging yourself into groups and civilizations, you are ultimately lonely and you will feel that once in a while. I am not disputing that at all. All I am saying is this. I am not one of you."

"No, No I am not suggesting that you are like all of us at all. Everyone of us is different, in our own way..."

"No, you get me wrong. I am not stressing my individuality. I am saying that I am not you.. I come from a different star system"

The psychiatrist jerked his head up. This was clearly unexpected. A veer, as sharp as this, in a conversation was usually when the psychiatrist would stop counselling his patient. He excused himself, stepped out and asked his staff to make the call. The patient had to be institutionalized, and soon. His staff scrambled to the phone. They had never seen the doctor that upset.

He walked into his room. He had to contain the patient for 30 more minutes.

"Right. Now then, another star system you say?"


"Hope you understand ofcourse, that this is all a little too hard for me to believe"


"So, can you help me understand this please?. You mean to say, an alien, so to speak..?"

"Yes. From a different star system, as I mentioned earlier"

"Yes, yes, ofcourse. You would have to excuse me now, I am not an expert in star systems and such as you might imagine."

"No one in your world is."

"Oh dear. I am sorry for that. But, lets start with things that I might understand. Like motivations to begin with. Why are you here"

"One of our researchers came in here a long while back. He was to gather insight on your planet. He never returned. I am here to take him home."

The psychiatrist shuffled his feet. It was not very often that a patient could make him nervous. His new patient seemed to be succeeding in doing so. 20 more minutes, he thought, and carried on.

"So, er... I assume you did not find him?"

"Why do you assume so?"

"Why are you still here then?"

"Because he has been here for a long time and this long an exposure to an alien environment can have its effect. I am not sure if he is amenable to my requests to take him home with me."

"Hmm. I completely understand. I once went on a holiday to Nice. Thats in France, by the way. A very good holiday spot. Just could not get myself to go home after that. But you see, I did go back, or come back rather. Why would you assume he does not want to go back?"

"You see doctor, he is a dear friend. or was. He always dreamt of an exotic land, a new beginning. He has got one now. Our people want him back, because he has information on your planet. But I am not sure if that is what he wants..."

"Ah. That is a dilemma. But I am curious as to how you found him...I mean we are a huge planet after all you know."

"It took me 5 years doctor. We, I mean we as a lifeform, can morph you see. So appearances are not very helpful. We change according to our needs. So I had to go by biological traces left behind by him at the beginning. But that soon turned out to be infeasible. He was a researcher you see. Like your zoologists. He studied animals. So I assumed that for him to start his research, he would have put himself in a similar position on your planet. He would fit himself in, seamlessly. Like one of your researchers who fit in with the amazon gorillas to study their habits. He would do the same."

"Hmm. Interesting."

"It occurred to me then that the perfect way for him to do so, would be to become a psychiatrist."

The psychiatrist smiled. They had sent in a smart one this time. He remember her telling him that she was a friend. Who can she be now, he thought.

It wouldnt matter anyway. He heard the ambulance siren ring outside his clinic.

He wasn't leaving this place.

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